Self-Healing Power – Do we have the power to heal ourselves?
Psychologist Roland Schroll shares his experiences of self-healing and links them to current research and scientific knowledge.
Incredible healings occur on a regular basis, baffling the medical field. Do you want to find out how this inner healing happens, and what causes it to happen? Can we trigger this self-healing power ourselves? More and more guided meditations or online courses claim to strengthen our self-healing powers, but what are they worth?
In medicine, the placebo effect is regularly used in various types of treatment (sometimes without the patient’s knowledge) and the development of new drugs is tested against it.
If a new drug is not more effective than a placebo pill, it will not be allowed on the market. And the fact that patients feel better after taking a placebo and that there are no side effects makes doctors revert to the „magic pill“, especially in complex cases.
Now you may be asking yourself: Why do placebo treatments work so well? What is the mechanism? How can we use this mechanism to heal ourselves?
Well, first of all, not all wounds heal themselves. So we definitely need help in some situations. An infection may be too strong for the body to handle, an injury too deep. We need rest, good food, loving people next to us, bandages and other ingredients to help our body heal.
It’s the same with our minds. Depression can bog us down. We are no longer able to get out of bed and form a single positive thought. Again, we need outside help. Someone to take us out of the situation and help us stand on our own two feet.
The key here is not to DEPEND on the outside for inner healing. Our inner attitude should not be DEMANDING. Instead, we can see help from the outside as a form of self-help. Because, without our own co-operation, nothing will help.
Lissa Rankin describes this very well in her book „mind over medicine“. To quote her: „The data suggests that your body can heal itself, but it does so much more effectively when the process is facilitated by the right kind of healers who support the body’s self-healing process.“
What kind of self-healing techniques are there?
As I said, cooperation is crucial. Even a surgeon cannot do anything if the body does not cooperate by connecting the nerves and closing the wounds.
Time and again, fellow surgeons tell the story of how the same treatment helped patient A heal instantly, while patient B’s body did not respond at all, or even seemed to resist the surgeon’s manipulations.
In order to better differentiate all the possible interventions on the body, mind and soul, I have categorised them into ‚gross‘ techniques, ‚common‘ techniques, the ’subtle‘ techniques and the ‚causal‘ techniques.
The gross healing techniques
We are all familiar with the „gross stuff“ and we find it mainly in the hospital environment: The two most prominent are drugs & surgery.
Both are very necessary in certain situations and we can thank God that we have these options at our disposal. Imagine a badly broken arm from a car accident or a heart attack in the middle of a shopping trip, what would we do if the paramedics were not there with their defibrillator to bring us back to life.
Even for a deeply disturbed mind, medication may be the only way to regain some kind of normality. In cases where the „I“ is disturbed – as in severe schizophrenia – there is little chance of reaching the person by external suggestion.
Common healing techniques
Then there is the „usual healing stuff“ such as homeopathy, diets, physical exercise such as yoga, qi gong or skilled sports, and many other things we do to stay healthy or get healthy again. These things focus on the health of the body, and by calming and strenghening our body, our mind also relaxes and remains cooperative to our commands.
The subtle healing techniques
Now we come to a kind of new category: The “subtle” stuff. This is where we mainly address the mind for a healing effect. Naturally, meditation, hypnosis, and trance experiences play a significant role here.
Most of the mushrooming self healing courses have guided meditations and positive selfaffirmations at their core. No doubt, meditation is the best practice for spiritual development, but it may not be sufficient for mental healing. It may even be contraproductive in some cases.
Imagine a man in depression ruminating all day long. If you tell him to sit down and meditate, his rumination will only speed up and his bad feelings will increase. In such cases we need to adress a deeper level of intervention, the soul level.
The causal healing techniques
By capturing the signals of the soul it is possible to achieve a deeper healing and transformation of ourselves. Since the soul has hardly been included in the picture of healing, we can open a new category here and call it the „causal“ stuff.
The only problem is that science still doesn’t know what the soul is, and there is even debate as to whether it exists or not. This debate is explored further in my article on the soul and science.
Some people say it’s all about affirmations. In a way this is true, but is our mind ready to take these affirmations and process them in a way that works for us? The varying effects of hypnotic suggestions show that not all advice works well for everyone in the same way. Each one of us is different, and even more so is our subconscious mind. So we need to open the ‚black box‘ and see what is really needed for the client in front of us.
The mind also needs healing. Science knows how certain emotional states can throw our neurotransmitter balance out of whack. We need an agent beyond our mind to correct this – someone or something that controls and works through the mind. And that is the soul.
Techniques such as inner child work, past life therapy or cleansing bring us into contact with the wisdom of our soul and can bring its computer – the mind – into a calm and stable position.
Wondering what the soul is? My article „What is a Soul“ may give you more clarity.

Does everyone have self-healing powers?
Basically, yes. Simply because everyone has a soul. The difference is in its accessibility and condition. Does it have some space? Can it shine and expand? Or is it closed up or even burnt out?
In the worst case scenario, it may be difficult to get in touch with our self-healing powers, and in the beginning there may only be some relief through gross interventions. Nevertheless, our prayers can help even in these situations.
For all other categories of illness, the self-healing power (actually the power of the soul) plays a vital role that is far too much underestimated.
It is up to us whether we accept our responsibility in this game of health (and wealth) or not. It’s up to us to learn to listen to our bodies and find out what to do and what not to do.
We need to observe our thoughts and feelings and pay close attention to the resulting actions. Are our steps right, or should we change some thought patterns, get rid of heavy postulates, correct emotions and habits?
This requires willpower. Where there is no will, there is no self-healing power. How do you get willpower when you feel you have none? Pray for it with all your heart. Pray for it to the highest being you can think of. For prayers are always heard.
Now some may ask how to pray properly. If your eyes well up with tears and your heart is moved with tender feelings, be assured that a connection has been made. Incidentally, the heart is also the seat of the soul.
Is our health determined by our karma?
In „Whispers of the Brighter World“, channeled by the medium Madame Helene Peyret, it is repeatedly said that no one can escape their karma. This is especially true for those who believe they can shape their own future at their will. But you know – man plans and God laughs! Our destiny is in His hands.
At the same time, just as a father wants to see his son grow, the Divine also wants us to learn about the complex web of karma and how all our past incarnations affect our present life. By His Grace (or Her Grace?) we are given more and more opportunities to transform ourselves and therefore design our destiny
In a regression session, for example, not everyone is graced with a past life experience that transforms their life, or with inner child work that frees them from lifelong fears.
These opportunities seem to come when the person is in deep struggle and sincerely seeking salvation. Then an intervention such as regression therapy may well hit the mark. This kind of deep soul work will allow us to leapfrog much of our karma and open up new possibilities in our lives.
You are ready to start your transformation and would like to know more about the methods. In my article „What is Regression Therapy“ I give a clear overview.
By the way: Sometimes the question arises: Is it our own fault that we are sick? Some say things like: Yes, it’s all your karma, so it’s your fault. Please, this is COMPLETE BULLSH*T! There is no place for blame and guilt here. If someone is suffering, he deserves compassion, attention, care and love.
However, our illness may be a symptom of a hidden trauma in childhood or in one of our past lives that wants to be seen and finally – healed.
In this article we have given a glimpse of the healing potential that lies within us. Since we all have a soul, we are all connected to the Divine, and since the Divine is pure and whole, we can become like that too.
The path to healing is very individual because each starting point (our karma) is also very individual. Again, the future is not fixed. There is certainly a grand plan to be worked out, but we have choices and opportunities to make a change.